Coleonema album is also known as "Cape May" or "White Confetti Bush".
This is a compact and bushy evergreen shrub that grows from 1.5 to 2 meters high and wide. It branches from the bottom and has fragrant, needle-like leaves. The small white flowers are only 6mm wide, but appear in clusters that cover the entire bush as if it was strewn with confetti. Flowers appear during Winter and Spring and attract bees and butterflies.
Coleonema album is indigenous and grows along the coast, all the way from Saldanha in the North down to Cape Town and the slopes of Table Mountain, then east to Bredasdorp. This plant is highly recommended for coastal gardens as it tolerates the coastal winds and sandy soils very well. It also grows well in containers.
The best soil for growing this shrub is a well drained, acid soil with plenty of compost. Coleonema bushes should be planted close together and mulched heavily to keep the soil and roots cool. Never let them dry out completely during summer while small, although they survive drought once established. (Note that this plant is susceptible to root rot fungus if over-watered during summer, so only water when necessary.)
Coleonema album is widely available at most garden centers and the best time to plant it is during Autumn, Winter, or early Spring. It can be grown from seed (sown in Autumn), or from cuttings (taken in Autumn or Spring).
Always plant this shrub in full sun - although it can grow in partial shade, it will not flower as prolifically.