May 28, 2014

Featured Plant: Pentas lanceolata

Pentas lanceolata is known as the Egyptian Starcluster.

This fast-growing little shrub grows about 60 to 90 cm tall and wide, with lush, evergreen leaves and large clusters of red flowers. (White and pink varieties are also available.) The main flowering period is from Spring right through to Autumn and in Cape Town it flowers almost the entire year.

Pentas lanceolata is native to East Africa - growing roughly from Yemen to Madagascar. It can grow in any soil, but does best in fertile soil, so remember to add plenty of compost when planting. Although it is a very heat-resistant plant, it does need regular watering during Cape Town's dry summer months. Water about once a week during summer, depending on the weather.

The best way to propagate Pentas lanceolata is from cuttings. Cuttings should be taken in Spring and can be rooted in sand or in water. Once they are ready to plant out, you can plant them in full sun or semi-shade - they also grow well in containers. Prune lightly at the end of winter to keep the plant's shape neat and bushy.